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Today we are going to talk about the longest words in English language. 1.PNEUMONOULTRAMICROSCOPICSILICOVOLCANOCONIOSIS-A disease caused by inhaling micro silica particles. 2.SESQUIPEDALIOPHOBIA-Fear of long words. 3.FLOCCINAUCINIHILIPILIFICATION-A habit of considering something as unimportant. 4.HONORIFICABILITUDINITATIBUS-The State of being achieving honours. 5.ANTIDIESTABLISHMENTARIANISM-A political philosophy opposed to the separation of religious group and government. 6.OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGIST-A doctor of ENT. 7.SUPERCALIFRAGILISTICEXPIALIDOCIOUS-Wonderful. 8.PSEUDOPSEUDOHYPOPARATHYRODISM-A mild inherited condition in which the sufferer has similar to those of pseudohypoparathyroidism.
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Fight alone

Fighting alone will make you stronger Working on your flaws will make you smarter. Don't be depressed,it will make you fool. If you work hard,it will make you cool. Don't be afraid of this world,it can do nothing. Just be yourself and one day you will be something. Live your life with integrity and nothing can make you frightened. Love everybody, so that it can make your life brighten. And never forget the One who has given you this opportunity. Because only The God can give you the bliss of eternity.